Item - The basic term Item refers to the raw materials which were used in production, goods developed(produced) that are offered(available) for sale. Item represents assets because the earnings of inventory represents primary sources of profits generation and following earnings for the company. There are three types of Items raw materials, work-in-progress, and finished goods.
We can create Item in business central, for that we can search item in search tab.

A list of existing items will appear then we have to click on the “New” button.

Then item card will open where we must fill details according to requirement, few fields are mandatory we will discuss them below and define few fields use.
When we create any new item in business central, we must keep in mind that there are some fields which are mandatory to fill out- these are common for all i.e., purchase item or sales item, these are 7 fields.
Fields on
- Item Tab: - We can insert it manually, or select it from a number series. But it must be unique.
- Description: - It is the details which will be viewed, it provides information what the item is, when we post any transaction related to it i.e., sale or purchase.
- Type: - Here we have three choices user can select according to need , 3 options are – Inventory ,Non Inventory and Services. Depending on the requirement user can choose the required one for example if user want to keep inventory, then he can select Inventory, for service he had to select the Service option. If he doesn’t want to keep inventory then he can select the Service option.
- Base unit of measure: - It is mandatory field; we provide the base unit that the item normally handled in. Be cautious this information cannot be easily changed if we had posted the item.
Few fields are in the Cost and Posting Tab :- It is to be noted that the General Product Posting Group, Inventory Posting Group determines that where will the posting of item be placed in Chart of Accounts- In the Income statement.
- Costing Method: - It is visible in the Cost & Posting Tab; it needs to be filled in. The general one is FIFO (First in First Out) or the Standard. Note that it is complex to change – it would take time to change if you had posted item.
- General Product Posting Group: – it is responsible for hitting inventory (COGS) account and other GLs. It is responsible for inventory related transaction. If it is not defined, then error will come at the time of posting.
- Inventory Posting Group: - Need to be fill as it is also having importance in inventory posting. It is responsible for hitting various Gls.
Other fields are.
- GST Group Code:- It is useful in Indian localization. Its value will automatically come in purchase and sales document when it is defined here.
- GST Credit: - If GST credit will be taken on item, then user must select it.
- HSN/SAC Code: - User must select related HSN code in case of item and SAC code in case of Service item.
On Item Tracking Tab field need to filled is
- Item Tracking Code: - This field is filled when firm want to track item within business central.
All other fields can be filled depending on the requirement and information provided.
There are Various Tabs on Item Card: -
The Item Card in BC is divided into various parts(tabs), on every tab you can open it and you can also show more fields, if we want to view all fields.

Item Tab
In the Item Tab we fill the basic details like Description, Base unit of measure, No.
It provides the general information of item. It is to be noted that the No. Can be defined manually or it can be predefined in no. series. It is to be noted that it should be unique.

Inventory Tab: – Inventory Tab fields basically show all kind of records on item it fills out automatically depending on the transaction related to item.

Cost & Posting Tab: – It is used for costing and where the posting enters in the chart of accounts. And some of the reporting information.
Prices and Sales: – Mostly used by sales people for the sales price and information.
Replenishment Tab: – This tab help user that how item will be replenished by production, purchase or assembly and parameters related to that.

Planning tab: – User set up all information used in the planning worksheets and requisition worksheet here.

Item Tracking tab: – It is tab where user define information about how the item will be traced with serial or lot numbers.

Warehouse tab: – this tab is used to provide information that can be used In the warehouse on how to handle item.